3 Reasons I Love Island Transfer and Tours: The Chica Travelista’s Montego Bay Adventure
3 Reasons I Love Island Transfer and Tours: The Chica Travelista’s Montego Bay Adventure
Jamaica is all color and vibrant adventure. The small, sun-drenched island involves full days spent on the beach; full nights spent dancing, a bright drink in your hand. And it necessarily involves all-day adventures through its stunning rainforests and mountains.
During my recent trip, I was able to work with lovely friends at Island Transfer and Tours. Island Transfer and Tours is a Montego Bay-based company that offers complete transportation packages—which is perfect for the adventurer who doesn’t want to mess around with all the planning and would rather just hop-skip-and-jump into the action!
The Island Transfer and Tours Packages include:
Transport to and from the Airport.
Pick-ups from Cruise Ships!
Customized Tours that Suit Every Personality!
What more could any traveler need?!
The tour company allows you to customize your amazing adventure based on what you, personally, like to do when you’re on vacation. (If you’re wondering what type of vacationer you are, I have a blog post about that below—“Five Steps to Finding the Best Vacation Spot!” After all, we’re all so different! But I definitely recommend the Island Transfer and Tours to articulate your Jamaican plans!)
Three Reasons I LOVE Island Transfer and Tours in Montego Bay:
1. Island Transfer and Tours Offers Exhilarating Safari Adventures Outside of Montego Bay.
As you know, Montego Bay is where the tourists flock. And trust me: they flock with deserved adoration. Montego Bay is gorgeous. When you hook up with the Island Transfer and Tours, you can do any number of fabulous adventure-based tours. One of the most exhilarating is found with the Black River Safari and Negril Sunset! You’ll head into the natural environment outside of Montego Bay, you’ll go six miles down the gorgeous Black River, and you’ll end at a seven-mile stretch of pristine beach. There, you can go scuba diving, snorkeling, hang out with the locals, or even jump off a 50-foot cliff! (If you dare!)
2. You can experience the Jamaican City Life (Including Bob Marley’s House!).
Sunny, coastal, and super-chill, where else would Bob Marley have lived, if not Jamaica??
Luckily, when you’re in Montego Bay, you can head over with the Island Transfer and Tours team to check out his former house and recording studio. He lived in this small, adorable village in the mountains. Plus, your knowledgeable guide will tell you all you need to know about the Reggae King’s childhood and career.
3. Head out to the Secret Jamaican Water Falls or Go River Rafting!
As you can see, there’s no end of adventuring with Island Transfer and Tours. They also offer Blue Hole tours—which are secret waterfalls! They whisk you away from the regular touristy area of Jamaica and take you to this secluded, joyous location. The falls are turquoise, surrounded by rainforest and incredible beauty. Because there’s no end of jumping off rocks in Jamaica—thank goodness—you can leap into the beautiful, sea foam green ponds and really live the paradise life.
Check out Island Transfer and Tours when you’re heading to Jamaica, and make SURE you go out and explore that incredible island!! Also, I must extend a special thanks to the one and only Byron for his impeccable service the entire time I was in Jamaica!
The Chica Travelisa