Hurricane Irma: Update on the Caribbean!
By Amanda

Hurricane Irma: Update on the Caribbean!

Dear Travelers & Vacation Lovers,

       For all of us who love the Caribbean, seeing all the photos of destruction in the wake of Hurricane Irma is completely heartbreaking. Terms such as “devastation” are a perfect description for SOME of the Islands such as Barbuda and St. Martin/Maarten where the majority of all structures have been damaged. Several of the other popular Islands such as Anguilla, St. John, St. Thomas and St. Barts have also suffered major damage. This storm was absolutely devastating to many Islands and there are ways we can help them to rebuild (message me for more details on how you can help!), BUT it is SO important to know that the Caribbean region is THOUSANDS of miles wide and across.. stretching all the way up from Bermuda, down to the the northern coast of South America and all the way over towards Mexico.
       What you may not hear on the news is that MOST of the Caribbean remains untouched and OPEN FOR BUSINESS in Islands such as Jamaica, Barbados, Cayman Islands, St. Lucia, Antigua, Aruba, Grenada, St. Kitts, Nevis and many others.
         Tourism is the major revenue source for the Caribbean region and the Islands that were left untouched or barely damaged ask YOU to please not assume that the whole region has been destroyed! Continue to support those parts of the Caribbean that are graciously welcoming visitors to their pristine shores while they are also standing together to help their neighbor Islands.
Below is a map of the Caribbean and highlighted in yellow are all the Islands that were most affected by Hurricane Irma and not yet opened for business.
**Please note that on some of the Islands such as Turks & Caicos their airport is opened and several hotels are up and running!


“Tourism is a significant driver of the Caribbean countries’ economies and local livelihoods, and the Caribbean has been a popular and high profile destination for many years.” – World Travel & Tourism Council

         I will be receiving daily updates from my travel partners in this region to best assist all travelers on their upcoming vacation plans.  For any questions at all regarding the Caribbean and Travel please do not hesitate to ask!

Amanda – “The Chica Travelista” – Blog
Travel Agency Line – 1-800-255-2577 – Agency
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  • September 14, 2017